The 7 Habits of Financially Happy People

When it comes to money, would you describe yourself as: 

A. Disorganized, chaotic, and fearful


B. Peaceful, purposeful, and powerful

You can predict someone’s ability to create and build wealth by their relationship with money. 

In particular, there are SEVEN habits that Financially Happy people master and embody to give them power over their finances and their happiness. 

Which of these seven habits have you checked off and which do you need to work on? 

1. Stay money aware

Financially Happy people have Intentional CLARITY over their finances at all times. For example, they know: 

  • Their net wealth: the value of their assets and liabilities
  • Their personal spending allocation and how much is remaining for the week/month
  • The performance of their investments
  • Their insurance requirements and coverage 
  • How much is in their Get Out OF Jail account
  • The performance of their retirement fund
  • Their Money Saboteurs [the instinctive behaviors that undermine their ability to create, manage, and spend their wealth]
  • Etc. 

When it comes to money, Financially Happy people don’t bury their heads in the sand, and they’re not flippant with their finances. An unexpected bill never wrongfoots them, and they don’t allow their spending to get out of control. 

This is how Financially Happy people feel confident and empowered around their money. 

2. Allocate wealth intentionally 

Financially Happy people know how to manage their wealth for optimum peace, purpose and power. They don’t live from paycheck to paycheck, and they never take on unintentional debt. Instead, they master their cash flow management to ensure their money: 

  • Covers all their essentials 
  • Protects their desired lifestyle 
  • Funds a constant flow of bucket list desires and dreams
  • Grows exponentially through intentional investments

In turn, their finances move forward every month. With wealth allocation supported by a robust behind-the-scenes system, it all runs effortlessly and on autopilot. 

3. Practice gratitude

Financially Happy people understand the importance of feeling elevated emotions such as abundance, happiness, freedom, peace, and gratitude. They know that tipping the balance towards these emotions can help counteract feelings of fear, scarcity, guilt, and shame. 

Financially Happy people use gratitude as an Intentional Living practice to help them elevate their emotional state at will. They understand there’s a correlation between wealth and happiness. Happier people create more wealth because they’re naturally more optimistic, and they show up with more energy. 

Gratitude also allows Financially Happy people to enjoy where they are now while they move towards the next thing. They use gratitude to feel more present so they can live fully in the now. Financially Happy people know that nothing is real apart from the present moment, and appreciation is one way to stay grounded in that truth. 

4. Happily talk about money

Financially Happy people understand that money is simply energy and a currency that forms the thread which flows through everything. 

Money is neither inherently good nor inherently bad; it’s just money. The only meaning money has is the meaning that we, as individuals, choose to give it. We can choose to feel empowered or disempowered by cash – the choice is ours. 

Socially, we’ve allowed money to remain a taboo subject laced with myths and labels such as “filthy rich”, “money is the root of all evil”, “and rich people are bad”. No wonder we have so many money hangups! No wonder so many people feel negative emotions such as guilt, shame, fear, or embarrassment around money. 

Financially Happy people break money myths. 

They’re able to have empowering conversations about money. They’re able to ask questions and be real with where they’re at and what they want financially and for their lives. In turn, they acquire knowledge and insights that allow them to shift their personal paradigms around money. 

It’s one of the reasons Financially Happy people can create more wealth. 

5. Rewrite their Money Story

Your beliefs shape the core of your identity in that they define how you perceive the world. For example, if you believe that people are inherently good, chances are you’ll meet a lot of good people and see a lot of kindness because that is what your brain is programmed to notice. In comparison, if you believe the world is terrible, your mind will draw your attention to all the events in your environment that prove this reality. 

The beliefs you hold about money dictate your relationship with money as well as the level of wealth you’re able to create and manage. This is your Money Story. 

Your Money Story started to form around the age of three as your awareness of your environment grew. Unless you’ve consciously worked on your Money Story, what you believe today will be heavily influenced by the beliefs of the people who raised you. 

Financially Happy people understand that they CAN rewire their beliefs and therefore transform their Money Story dramatically. This is why they invest the time to dive deep into their Money Story and their money mindset so they can empower themselves with beliefs that attract abundance and wealth.

6. Take intentional ACTION

Financially Happy people understand the link between intention and action.

They don’t sit back and wait for the abundance to flow because they understand the need to DO as well as BE. As a result, they take practical action in support of their desires. For example, they:

  • Design their Intentional Path – because the purpose of money is to empower you to create the life your heart and soul desires 
  • Invest – so they can take advantage of the miracle of compound interest
  • Create a Financially Happy Plan – designed to elevate their money mindset and their wealth-creation abilities
  • Defeat their Money Saboteurs – to continually eradicate the behaviors that steal their wealth potential
  • Increase their Financially Happy score – so they can build the most empowering relationship with money possible
  • Spend intentionally – Financially Happy people don’t spend money to fill a void. Instead, they use their wealth to create and experience the life their heart wants to enjoy.  
  • Make inspired financial decisions – Financially Happy people don’t procrastinate. They know what needs to get done to create the life they want.
7. Live a bucket list lifestyle NOW

Financially Happy people don’t put life on hold until more money arrives. They leverage intentionality to feel powerful in every moment of their lives. 

They’re clear on how they want to live, and they know the things they want to do – aligning everything with their values and their intentions. 

They don’t allow the rules of the conventional path to dictate their timescale or tell them what they can and can’t do. Instead, their relationship with money empowers them to live their life on their terms. 


Be intentional, live in the now, and choose to be Financially Happy 

Your relationship with money impacts every single part of your life because money is the thread that flows through everything. 

You’ll never regret a decision to choose Financially Happy and allow it to guide you down the path of empowerment with money. 

So if you’re on the fence waiting for the right time to take the next step, make this article that moment.

The sooner you start, the sooner you benefit from the power of financial mastery and bucket list living.

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