The Financially Happy Program transforms your relationship with money so you can eradicate money blocks, elevate your wealth, and live a bucket list lifestyle.

You’ll master the markets, design your dream life, transform your personal finances, join a community of high-vibe people, and rewire your brain to manifest exponential wealth so you can live your dream life now.

Your Relationship With Money = Your Experience In Life

As a society, we chose to make money our currency for exchange – and now we can’t live without it! 
Money is the thread that connects us all; it flows through everything. If you’re not empowered financially, you’ll settle for a half-lived life… and you have too many dreams to risk that. 
Financially Happy connects spirituality to your money – so you can leverage wealth to fulfil your purpose. We teach wealth-creation and wealth-management strategies too – because the Law of Attraction doesn’t work without practical action.
It’s a myth that you must wait for a raise, retirement, or so-called ‘financial freedom’ to live a bucket list lifestyle. If you choose to be Financially Happy, you can live your dream life NOW.

Here’s How It Works

Financially Happy combines advanced Financial Education with Positive Psychology, neuroscience, and Money Mindset mentoring so you can be happy, wealthy, and live a bucket list lifestyle [without ego, guilt, or financial hangovers].

Financially Happy Is Tried And Proven By People Like You

Discover The First Program To Combine Finance WITH Lifestyle

Most ‘living the dream’ courses teach you the money piece OR the living piece.
This one-dimensional approach creates individuals who are wealthy but unfulfilled – or happy but financially frustrated. 
To live a bucket list lifestyle, you need to combine millionaire financial strategies with yogi happiness practices. One without the other doesn’t get you the results you desire. 
That’s why we teach them simultaneously using a proven five-step framework.

Step 1: Intentional CLARITY:

Money story, net worth, wealth saboteurs

Step 2: Intentional VISIONING:

Purpose, values, desires, intentions & goals

Step 3: Intentional PLANNING:

Strategies, tools, financial & mindset plans

Step 4: Intentional ACTION:

Investing, manifesting, positive psychology, & intentional living

Step 5: Intentional ACCOUNTABILITY:

Discipline, consistency, reflection, & permanent transformation

Transform Your Finances, Transform Your Life


✅ Write a Money Story that empowers you
✅ Identify & eradicate your wealth saboteurs
✅ Design your Intentional Path and create a purposeful life.
✅ Eradicate money taboos so you can spark empowered conversations
✅ Rewire your mindset to feel energized and excited by money
✅ Align wealth with your desires so you can afford & live bucket list lifestyle
✅ Learn to manifest abundant wealth in a tangible, practical way


✅ Grow your Peace, Purpose, & Power buckets
✅ Build an investment portfolio confidently
✅ Cut up your credit cards and be an intentional spender
✅ Leverage positive constraints to spend without guilt or shame
✅ Optimize your income to create a surplus and build abundant wealth
✅ Learn to be debt-free, mortgage-free, and credit card free
✅ Master your cash flow so you move forward financially each month

Learn The Way That Best Suits You

You’re In Incredible Company

Over the past decade, Finnian Kelly has empowered hundreds of people to enhance their wealth and live a bucket list lifestyle by combining proven financial strategies with intentional living practices.
“The best teachers are always the ones that make it the most simple. Finnian is an evolved entrepreneur who is helping to elevate human consciousness, he is exactly what the world needs right now.”
Lindsay Nahmiache
CEO, jive PR + Digital
“There is something about the way Finnian takes you through a process that works better than everything else I have tried. He made me feel safe, which is key because a lot of emotions come up during the work. I can’t sing his praises loud enough. Finnian is the real deal!”
Lauren Messiah
CEO School of Style
"Financially Happy is the helping hand we need to bridge the gap between our limiting beliefs and who we truly are. It is ultimately a spiritual journey of remembrance. Finnian Kelly not only lives by example, but he is one of the true teachers out there who understands the role money can play on our path to self-realization. His methodology is helping women around the world develop internal resources that make every part of their lives better. His wisdom will help you develop yours. Knowing Finn has made my life and work richer in every way. I am very excited for women everywhere that he was intuitive enough to find his calling, and that it was to empower us! Bravo Finn! Bravo Financially Happy!"
Stacey Tisdale
Founder, CEO, President, Mind Money Media Inc.

Success Stories

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