[Member of the Financially Happy Team]
Thanks to Financially Happy, I’m able to work a job I love, travel, and live life to the fullest! Since taking the program, I’ve paid off a student loan, traveled without a financial hangover, and gained the confidence to start investing.
My journey to being Financially Happy started when Finnian asked me this question:
If you had 7 days left to live, what would you do, where would you be, and with whom?
As I reflected on how I might answer this question, I realized none of my current reality fit with how I would spend those 7 days. This really disturbed me and I knew I had to make changes in my life.
In our next session, Finnian asked me about my big dreams for my life. He asked me if money played no part, what would I dare to do?
Again I was confronted because I’d always based my decisions on what I thought was possible for my life – and my frame of possibilities was narrow.
As I started to work out my purpose and my values it became more and more clear that I was living a life based on other people’s timelines and priorities – and within societal constructs of limitation.
When I started the Financially Happy course I was ready to make disruptive changes in my life and wanted the guidance to do this in a responsible way. I’ve always been adventurous and daring to try new things, however, my pattern would be to get to a breaking point in a job or a place I lived and then I would bolt! I’d go traveling but without any savings to fund my trip (but hey, that’s what credit cards are for, right?!). Or I’d quit my job and try to find the ‘fun’ in ‘funemployment,’ although how I really felt was lost.
Financially Happy took me on a step-by-step process that did not make me feel guilty for having unconventional dreams and goals, but actually encouraged them and gave me the confidence to explore how my money story had been limiting what I thought was possible.
What really attracted me to the program was the promise that I could have these things now. That I didn’t have to wait for a future that seemed far off or that I would have to sacrifice my happiness in the meantime.
How the program changed my finances and my life
Since participating in the Financially Happy Program I have paid off one of my student loans and set up a payment plan for the other that I contribute to each month. Before the program, I avoid the overwhelming amount. In fact, I didn’t even know how much I owed!
I’ve also eliminated all my credit cards and now feel in control and proud of how I’m contributing to my only outstanding debt.
I also was able to take a trip that I hadn’t dreamt of. In fact, I planned it in two weeks and had money in my newly set up travel account to cover the entire costs. I had an intuitive calling to go to Guatemala and found one spot on an ayurvedic retreat that was nearly sold out. I returned home with a new outlook on life and no financial hangover. When I signed into my banking system upon my return I actually still had money in my travel account thanks to the automated systems that Financially Happy helped me set up.
My trip to Guatemala thanks to my travel account and clarity on my bucket list desires!
An added bonus to the program, which wasn’t promised or even offered, was finding my dream partner. There’s a confidence instilled in you when you have clarity on what you want in life and the courage to go for it. I’m now happily in a relationship with someone who’s values align with mine. I’m able to adventure and plan surprises for us on my OWN budget, something that I had always relied on a man for. I am full of pride and empowered for making this massive change in my life!
Financially Happy not only gave me the tools to get my finances organized and automated, it also taught me how to invest – a subject that had always overwhelmed me and I thought I’d never be ‘rich’ enough to partake in. It felt like a secret club that I wasn’t invited to.
Finnian introduced me to impact investing platforms and another participant in our group referred one specifically for women that I really liked. I have already increased my monthly allotments since opening my account thanks to the abundance that now flows freely to me.
Financially Happy not only gave me the financial insights that I’d been needing, but it gave me a community to feel safe to explore my aspirations with other like-minded women. I had no idea about the power of manifesting my bucket list lifestyle, and once I had clarity on what that would look like, Finnian was an incredible guide to exploring what was beyond my wildest imagination.
Now my friends all ask me how I live such a dream life, and are intrigued by the way I’m able to work a job I love, travel and live life to the fullest!