Mastering The Three Dimensions Of Wealth

Do you crave more freedom, more choice, and more flexibility? Do you long to say YES to more of your desires? Do you want more money so you can follow your heart, explore your bucket list, and live in alignment with your spiritual path?

If so, you have to transform the way you create, use, and feel about money. 

Here’s a surprising truth: Money is one of THE most creative resources on the planet. 

As our chosen form of exchange, money creates a physical bridge between your desires and your reality. Money isn’t ‘evil’ or ‘bad’ [unless you choose to say it is]. Instead, money is pure potential because the possibilities for your money are limitless. When you think about it, you understand that money can become virtually ANYTHING you want. 

It’s this reality that makes money a powerful catalyst and spiritual tool. When aligned with your purpose, money empowers you to manifest what your soul desires to BE, HAVE, and DO.  

All you need to do is create an intentional relationship with money so you can unlock this power. 

And in this article, I’m going to show you how you can create this experience for yourself by mastering the THREE dimensions of wealth

Let’s dive in…

What are the three dimensions of wealth? 

Wealth is so much more than a number in a bank account. 

When we think about wealth, we have to consider the way wealth moves in and out of your life – as well as the beliefs, thoughts, behaviors, and feelings you have about money. 

In short, wealth is part science and part art

Wealth is a combination of practical and positive. 

It’s a dance between BEING and DOING. 

It’s a combination of proven financial strategies and deep inner work. 

Wealth is a journey of discovery and evolution that dances between three critical dimensions: 

If you want to be abundant, free, and happy, you need to master all three – so let’s explore each dimension in turn. 

1. Wealth-Creation

Definition: Your ability to ignite an abundant, consistent flow of money into your life. 

You need to have wealth to be able to use wealth. 

You have power and influence over this dimension because YOU are a wealth-creation catalyst. 

The way you show up and serve in the world impacts the level of wealth you attract into your life. Take a moment now to think about all the ways wealth can come to you: 

  • Income from your job, side hustle, or business 
  • A promotion, bonus, or pay rise
  • Selling stuff you own, but no longer want
  • Returns from your investments
  • Property rentals
  • Inheritance etc. 

Your power in this dimension is knowing that you get to influence how much wealth flows from each possible source. 

You’re the one making investment decisions.

You’re the one deciding the price tag to put on your skills.

You’re the one who gets to make an impact in your work to increase your perceived value.

You are your greatest wealth-creation asset. 

Your job in the wealth-creation dimension is to turn yourself into the most valuable resource possible.

Invest in yourself by acquiring and up-levelling your skills. Take risks, share more of your talents and ideas, and figure out how you can add more value. Overcome the sabotaging behaviors that hold you back from your fullest potential.

The more you elevate and evolve, the better placed you’ll be in to attract more wealth into your life. 

How will you invest in yourself and work on yourself so that you can be your most valuable wealth-creation asset?

2. Wealth-Management

Definition: What do you do with your money once you receive it? 

Incredible work! You’ve cracked the wealth-creation code. But what happens to your money when it comes into your life? 

The wealth-management dimension is all about how you use the money you create – and whether or not your wealth becomes a spiritual tool. 

As a spiritual tool, money empowers you to express your truth, explore your desires, and live your life YOUR way. The more your money aligns with your desires, the more abundance, freedom, and happiness you get to experience. 

In my experience, far too many people feel trapped, shame, guilty, or embarrassed about their finances. For example: 

  • They have a high income, but little to show for it.
  • They frequently have more month than money.
  • They feel guilty for having too much wealth.
  • They have wealth, but they’re not happy with their life.

Modern society has trained us to believe that money is the prize. It’s why wealth became a status that sits on a pedestal. It’s why we chase ‘more money’ without fully understanding why we desire a larger bank balance. 

Make no mistake; chasing isn’t living. When you’re chasing, your not content with the NOW… and the reality is, the only time that’s real is this very moment. Nothing else is guaranteed, so don’t wish your life away. 

Instead, master the wealth-management piece by translating your money into a source of PEACE, PURPOSE, and POWER. 

You achieve this outcome when you optimize your cash flow between three buckets

#1 PEACE – Allocate your wealth to cover your essentials while leaving a surplus. Leverage the security of positive constraints by budgeting your monthly spending. Also, build Get Out Of Jail reserves to protect your lifestyle and ensure you NEVER have to worry about money again. 

#2 PURPOSE – Manage your wealth to manifest your desires. Allocate buckets of money so you can explore your dreams and goals GUILT-FREE. From travel to self-development, adventures, and well-being, manage your money to make ANYTHING possible over time.  

#3 POWER – Build abundance over time through investments. Leverage the power of compound interest to maximize your wealth and create more choice. 

 Where are the leaks in your wealth-management strategy? 

3. Wealth Mindset

Definition: Unlocking your Money Story and understanding what your money beliefs make you think, feel, and do. 

The wealth-creation and wealth-management pieces are mostly about DOING. 

When you’re creating and managing your money, you want to leverage proven financial strategies and practices to ensure you optimize and maximize your wealth. 

But here’s the kicker! 

You can write the book about practical financial strategies and still fall short of what you desire. That’s because WHO YOU ARE while creating and managing your wealth matters too. 

If you believe you’re undeserving of wealth, that it’s greedy to want more, and you’re irresponsible when it comes to spending, how much money do you think you’ll attract and keep in your life? 

Compare this outcome to someone who knows their worth, feels confident talking about money, and spends purposefully and intentionally. 

In short, your relationship with money is equally as important as your knowledge about money. That’s because your relationship with money influences the level of wealth you’re able to receive AND what you do with that wealth when it comes into your life. 

People with an abundance mindset don’t attract more because they’re worthier. They attract more is because they’re free of fear, scarcity and lack.

You won’t create your dream life by choosing between strategy OR mindset.

The secret to your dream life is to increase both AT THE SAME TIME. 

Imagine the money you could have if you leveraged the wealth-creation secrets of the billionaires. Imagine the presence, purpose, and bliss you could enjoy if you rewired your mind like the yogis and gurus.

Even better, imagine the quantum leap possible if you elevated the ‘practical’ strategy and the ‘positive’ mindset simultaneously. 

This way of being is how Financially Happy women get to have, do, and be everything they desire. 

And now you can learn these secrets too inside the Financially Happy Program.

To learn more, CLICK HERE

How much wealth do you deserve in your life right now?
What is your figure and why? 

As you can see, wealth is multi-dimensional and multi-faceted. 

You can get results focusing on one of the dimensions. 


You sow the seeds for a quantum leap when you focus on ALL of them at once. That’s right; if you compound ALL three dimensions at the same time, you set yourself up for enhanced wealth. 

In summary…

Investing in your relationship with wealth and money is one of the most rewarding and freeing experiences you can have. When you believe that money is your most spiritually creative tool, why wouldn’t you use it to the best of your ability? 

We’ll show you how to do this [and more] inside the Financially Happy Program

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